Last Updated:Wednesday, 26 April 2023

70 Pregnancy Announcement Messages and Wording

70 Pregnancy Announcement Messages and Wording:Bringing a new life into the world is one of the most exciting and life-changing experiences that a person can go through, getting pregnant especially feels amazing as it’s a moment of happiness for the family that soon they’ll be having a new member with them, women are great, if you’re also pregnant and you want to share this amazing news with them, yes, you’re at the right place.

Here you'll be able to find every type of announcement or message that you’re looking for whether you want to inform your family, friends, grandparents or anyone.
Scroll this page down and pick up your favourite one to open up the big and amazing news to the family.

  1. Another miracle has happened, and we as a parent of a child already are so excited to tell you that soon we’re going to have another member in our family.
  2. We’re so happy that our life will be filled with happiness and joy again, my wife is pregnant and soon we’re going to be parents, we hope that you’re also happy to hear about the news.
  3. The nicest things come in small packages wrapped with love, we’re proud to announce the arrival of our baby.
  4. We’re adding little more love to our family this year, I hope everyone is happy to hear about the news.
  5. Two more little hands, and two more little feet, were so happy to announce the arrival of another baby this year.
  6. 70 Pregnancy Announcement Messages and Wording
  7. Everything is settled and we’re filled with joy, this is the announcement of the arrival of our baby, we hope that you’re happy to hear about the news.
  8. Tiny hands, tiny feet someone new coming to meet you this year, we’re happy to share that we’ve been blessed with a baby.
  9. A brand-new life is coming with so much happiness and joy in our family, we hope that you’re excited too.
  10. Coming close to meeting a little soul this year, we’re proud to announce the arrival of our baby this September.
  11. No more extra sleep and no more comfort, our baby is arriving this month and we’re so statements are this with you all.
  12. We can’t wait to meet our new edition; we hope everyone has the same excitement.
  13. We as a couple never felt this way, it’s time for us to be parents soon.
  14. We’ll be soon blessed with a baby, keep us in your prayers.
  15. It’s time for us to welcome a new member of the family, soon we’re going to be parents.
  16. Journey of being parents soon has begun we never knew that we would be so happy.
  1. Things are going to be changed now because a new little member is about to come into our family, keep us in your prayers.
  2. I’m so thankful to God that he gave me such amazing happiness, soon we’re going to be blessed with a baby.
  3. Our wish is going to come true, soon we’ll be blessed with a baby in our family.
  4. We’re looking forward to having a new member in our family and we’re so happy to share this with you all.
  5. It’s official now, 9 months from now we’ll be having a little new member, we hope everyone’s happy too.

Also Read:Pregnancy Wishes For Sister

Pregnancy Announcement Quotes

These are a few pregnancy announcement quotes that you can share with your family and close friends to tell them about the good news and make them happy.

Pregnancy Announcement Quotes
  1. Our family will be growing by two feet!
  2. The butterflies he used to give me turned into tiny feet.
  3. Precautions were taken, and no plans were made, but life is full of surprises, and life found a way.
  4. Have you heard the buzz? Our little honey will be arriving (birth month and year)
  5. We’re resting up while we can. We’ll be missing a lot of sleep starting in (due date month).
  6. And then there were three… (your due date).
  7. And soon the world shall know… (with an ultrasound picture).
  8. Roses are red, violets are blue, on (due date) our little miracle is due.”
  9. We’re adding a new little pumpkin to our patch!”
  10. Our family wasn’t quite complete until we had two more tiny baby feet.

Also Read:Funny Pregnancy Wishes

Funny Pregnancy Announcement Text Message

These are a few fun ways in which you can tell Everyone that you’re pregnant and how amazing you’re feeling to share this news.

Funny Pregnancy Announcement Text Message
  1. We don’t think that it’s our fault, it’s the quarantine stuff we guess.
  2. Wine makes people go crazy and then do crazy stuff, by the way, bathe by arriving this (month name).
  3. So happy to tell everyone that no period for the next 9 months.
  4. I want to sleep more because after 9 months I won’t be able to do it.
  5. We’re ready to wipe up our savings by buying things we don’t even use for example diapers.
  6. When people will congratulate me, I’ll say for what and then let them spell what I fear most (giving birth).
  7. I’ll be doing what I want to for the next 9 months because after that I won’t get time.
  8. The longest and fattest months of my life has begun, yes, I’m pregnant.
  9. I wish my baby looks like me so that everyone could call him/her cute and not annoying like my husband.
  10. I blame my husband for my weight gain of 9 months.

Also Read:Baby Shower Messages

2nd Pregnancy Announcement Message

If you’re pregnant for the second time and you want to let your family and friends know about this, scroll down and use the ideas given below.

2nd Pregnancy Announcement Message
  1. My husband wanted to play with kids so we planned a sibling for him, yes I’m pregnant.
  2. Looking forward to completing our family with 4 members the 4th one is on the way.
  3. We’re excited to tell everyone that soon we’ll be parenting another little kid.
  4. Soon we’ll be having one more to love and one more to adore, completing our family.
  5. The new and latest edition of our kid will be joining us soon this(month name).
  6. I’m all ready and set to deliver my second Baby I’m in love with this experience.
  7. We can’t wait to see the second version of our kid, I’m pregnant.
  8. Another big change in our life is the second baby is on the way.
  9. My child is so excited to meet a new sibling.
  10. We’re so overjoyed and excited to tell everyone that soon we’ll be blessed with another baby in the house.

Also Read:Maternity Leave Messages

Pregnancy Announcement Message to Friends

Tell your friends that you’re pregnant with these amazing messages stated below.

Pregnancy Announcement Message to Friends
  1. Congratulations soon you’ll be having another reason to visit my home, I’m pregnant.
  2. I’m so excited to tell you that soon you’ll be having a baby in your hands, yes guessed it right.
  3. Soon I’m going to be a mom and I’m so happy that you’ll be the babysitter.
  4. Try learning how to change diapers because soon you’ll be doing that to my baby.
  5. Are you excited to have two tiny legs and two tiny hands on your lap, I’m so happy that you’ll be uncle/aunt soon.
  6. It’s time to tell you the most beautiful news of this year, soon you’ll be having a little soul in your hands.
  7. Soon you’ll not be treated as a guest in my home, because you’ve to visit me every day, I’m so excited to tell you that I’m pregnant.
  8. I would love to tell you that soon we’ll be becoming parents, I’m sure you’re excited too now my.
  9. Dear friend, we are thrilled to share with you that our family is growing! We are excited to announce that we are expecting a baby
  10. Hi there, I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to share some exciting news with you – I’m pregnant! My partner and I are over the moon and can’t wait to welcome our little bundle of joy into the world.

Also Read:Parents' Day Wishes

Pregnancy Announcement Message to the Family

These are a few pregnancy announcement messages that you can share with your family and tell them about the incredible news.

Pregnancy Announcement Message to the Family
  1. Dear Family, I am excited to share incredible news with all of you! My partner and I are expecting a baby! We cannot wait to start this new chapter in our lives and share this special journey with all of you.
  2. We are thrilled to share with you the wonderful news that we are expecting a new addition to our family! We feel incredibly blessed and excited to embark on this journey together.
  3. We wanted to let you know that we are expecting our little bundle of joy to arrive in (month/year). We are both looking forward to becoming parents and can’t wait to start this new chapter in our lives.
  4. We wanted to share some exciting news with all of you. We’re expecting a little one! Our baby is due to arrive in [month/year].
  5. As we’re expecting a baby, we wanted to share our excitement with all of you. Your love and support mean the world to us, and we are so grateful to have you in our lives.
  6. We know that this news of being pregnant will bring a lot of happiness to our family, and we are grateful for your love and support during this special time.
  7. We couldn’t be happier. We look forward to sharing this journey with you and can’t wait to tell you that we’re expecting a baby.
  8. Exciting news! We wanted to share with you what we’re expecting! Baby (last name) is on the way and we can’t wait to welcome him/her into our family. Stay tuned for more updates!”
  9. We’re thrilled to share the news that we’re expecting! Baby on board and our hearts are overflowing with joy.”
  10. We’re excited to announce that our family will be growing by one! Baby [ name or gender] coming [due date].

Also Read:Baby Shower Gift Ideas

First Pregnancy Announcement Quotes

Quotes stated below are a few first pregnancy quotes, that you can share with your family and close friends to tell them about the good news.

First Pregnancy Announcement Quotes
  1. There is always a rainbow after a storm. We’re expecting a rainbow baby.
  2. The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.
  3. A baby Is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die
  4. “A grand adventure is about to begin.”
  5. A new baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.
  6. A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.
  7. A new baby is the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.
  8. Babies are always more trouble than you thought. I’m pregnant.
  9. “A baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.
  10. A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.

Also Read:New Born Baby Wishes

Pregnancy Announcement Message to Grandparents

These are few pregnancy announcement messages that you can send to the grandparents and fill their day with happiness.

Pregnancy Announcement Message to Grandparents
  1. Dear Grandparents, I wanted to share some exciting news with you I’m pregnant! My partner and I are over the moon and can’t wait to welcome our little one.
  2. We have some exciting news to share with you! We are thrilled to let you know that we are expecting a baby! We couldn’t be happier about this new chapter in our lives
  3. We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for all of the love and support you have given us over the years. We know that you will be wonderful grandparents and we feel so blessed to have you in our lives.
  4. We can’t wait for you to meet your new grandchild and share in all of the joy and wonder that comes with being a grandparent. Thank you for being a part of our lives and for helping us celebrate this incredible news.
  5. We’re excited to share that our family is growing! Baby [ Name] coming, soon you’re going to be grandparents.
  6. We have some wonderful news to share – we’re going to be parents! We wanted to let you know that you’re going to be grandparents.
  7. We wanted to let you in on a little secret – you’re going to be grandparents soon! We’re over the moon with excitement, and we couldn’t wait to share the news with you. Get ready for some baby snuggles.
  8. Your family is about to get a little bigger! We’re thrilled to announce that we’re expecting a baby and can’t wait to see you take on the role of doting grandparents.
  9. The best news ever! We're going to be parents and you're soon going to be grandparents! We can’t wait for you to share in the joy of our growing family.
  10. We couldn’t wait to share the news with you that we’re pregnant! Our little one is due in [Date] and we can’t wait for you to meet them.

Also Read:Thank You Messages for Wife


The news of being pregnant means so much to our close ones, it’s very important to inform them, this is one of the news which can bring happiness and joy to the family. You must let them know and for your confusion about what to write in that message, we’ve designed this article, here you’ll be able to find every kind of message that you’re looking for and share this great news with your family, and friends and on social media.
