Congratulations on moving into the phase of life where you won't experience periods.
Greetings as we start the final chapter of your life of freedom. I'm super excited that you're pregnant and can't wait to see the baby.
Frequent urination, gas, bloating, and nausea. Pregnancy is great despite the backaches, facial hair, bleeding gums, insomnia, acne, and pelvic pain. Congratulations!
Your pregnancy will bring joy to your husband and family, ruin to your profession, and be a catastrophe for you. Wishing you success and congrats.
Because you're expecting, you may relax and watch TV while your husband does the dishes. Congratulations! Savor every second.
Many congratulations on your pregnancy! Hope you can resist the urge for something sweet at midnight!
I hope you have restful sleep for the upcoming few months! Wishing you luck during your pregnancy!
At least you have an excuse for your weight increase now. You now have to eat meals for two at once. What a shame! Friend, congrats!
The fact that you are pregnant is unimportant. The issue is that I'll make a cool aunt! Let's have a party. I'm joyous for you that you're pregnant.
Simply assume the new position that you have previously been nominated for. You have the option of both enslaving and hiring your husband as a personal secretary. The appeal of being pregnant is that. Congrats!
You can officially curse at your hubby during pregnancy and justify it by blaming hormones. Maximize your use of it.
Welcome to the unattractive world of pregnancy, where you will gain weight, have mood swings, have trouble finding clothes that fit, and have people mistake you for being obese.
Greetings as we start the final chapter of your life of freedom. I'm elated for you that you're pregnant.
Your pregnancy will cause joy for your husband and family, ruin for your profession, and tragedy for you. Wishing you success and congrats.
Because you're expecting, you may relax and watch TV while your husband does the dishes. Congratulations! Savor every second.
God tells a woman she can legally imprison her husband for nine months of her pregnancy. Congratulations.
I'm happy for you that you're pregnant. Take use of the privilege of attracting your husband's attention whenever you utter even the tiniest sound, whether it be an agonising moan or an offensive fart.
You have given up events, shopping trips, and weekend getaways since becoming pregnant in favour of breastfeeding, changing diapers, and doing more laundry. Congratulations.
Can I borrow all of your lovely outfits now that you are pregnant? In any case, you won't be able to fit in them. Congratulations.
Everyone in the family is thrilled for you to be expecting, with the exception of your spouse who won't be getting any time soon. I'm happy for you that you're pregnant.
Actually, the word "pregnancy" is defined as a stage that is "painful, regretful, excruciating, ghastly, nerve-wracking, agonizing, nightmarish, chaotic and yucky." Congratulations.
Reduce your intake of fast food, and stop drinking, are the two most crucial guidelines for getting pregnant. I'm sorry, that was boring.
Maternity Leave Messages Funny
Maternity is a thrilling experience and a journey which needs at-most care and rest. So here are some funny maternity leave messages.

Don't be sorry if having a large stomach for nine months makes you unhappy. Because once it turns flat again, the real battle begins. So, enjoy it while you're still obese and best of luck with the child-rearing.
Parental Leave? If you were intelligent, you would know why it isn't referred to as a "Maternity Vacation" like a "Summer Vacation." Because we're preparing for the worst, it's not a vacation!
You won't be able to enjoy your freedom for much longer in a few months! And look at how delighted everyone is including youabout it! Congratulations!
To you, a happy maternity leave! The baby bump is as stunning as ever, and I'm sure the child inside you can't wait to meet the outside world.
The moment is now to indulge guiltlessly and lay the blame at the feet of your unborn child! So feel free to gain weight and enjoy your pregnancy leave!
You have a happy baby break! Finally, you can experience extreme mood swings at any time of day without suffering any repercussions!
Happy baby break to you because you are finally on your way to deliver the baby! I wish you a pain-free, safe, and exciting delivery!
To you, a happy maternity leave! Here's to more belly kicking and more wailing at odd hours! May your delivery go without a hitch!
Enjoy your pregnancy leave and get ready to bid your independence "GOODBYE." Yet, hey! I anticipate that you'll respond positively.
These are the final few days that you can properly rest, sleep, and poop. Therefore, savour every moment. Goodbye, baby, you powerful woman.
Enjoy the moment when everyone believes you are pregnant rather than obese. Just Joking Be ready for the actual hardship as it is about to arrive, and savour every second of this lovely vacation.
As much as you can, sleep. Because you'll spend all night scrubbing poop after a few months. The joys of motherhood! Many blessings to you, my dear!
Funny Things to Say to a Pregnant Woman
It is said that If a mother is happy then the child is happy inside. So lets make pregnant women laugh by funny messages.

The seat belt-free roller coaster that is pregnancy. Congratulations.
I'm happy for you that you're pregnant. Take use of the privilege of attracting your husband's attention whenever you utter even the tiniest sound, whether it be an agonising moan or an offensive fart.
The first of many awful things you will do when pregnant is pee on a stick and save that stick. Congratulations.
When you learn that you are pregnant, you will be overjoyed because you won't have a period for the next nine months. Congratulations.
OMG! You're carrying a child! Sleep soundly nowthis could be your final opportunity for the ensuing three years! Congratulations.
No booze and hormones. At your own peril, engage. Congratulations on your recent success.
The longest, heaviest, and most annoying nine months of your life are during pregnancy. Congratulations.
Can I borrow all of your lovely outfits now that you are pregnant? In any case, you won't be able to fit in them. Congratulations.
Throughout the following nine months of your pregnancy, you will experience a lot of changes. You're going to get weirder, creepier, and crazier. Congratulations.
Putting your feet up on the couch while you are pregnant is essential so that your husband may massage them. Congratulations.
A true blessing in disguise, pregnancy. It took nine whole months of unpleasant mood swings, back pain, and hormone imbalance before a child was miraculously born.
Expect little pity for your prenatal mood swings, morning sickness, or backachesyou invited all of these problems on yourself. Congratulations.
Pregnancy Jokes One Liners
Let's make pregnancy more of a fun experience by sending some pregnancy jokes to a mother to be. So below are some one liner pregnancy joke.

My friend, who is married and has no children, told me a dad joke today. He learned that his wife is expecting the next day. This past year, I had a vasectomy.
It turns out that they only affect the baby's colour and do not prevent pregnancy.
I observed a woman purchasing a pregnancy test at the pharmacy today without wearing a face mask. She obviously doesn't like being protected.
Never discuss pregnancy, periods, or women's issues with a girl. She will perform.
What has an unplanned pregnancy in common with the game of hide and seek? Here I am, ready or not!
How do you know pregnancy is worse than kidney stones? After passing a kidney stone, no one suggests taking another.
I did a pregnancy test since I was a little concerned. This will make my mother happy because I've finally passed a test!
Teenage pregnancy is awful. This leads to child labour.
For his partner, my friend is purchasing a pregnancy test kit. I congratulate you well in either case.
My worst dread was realised after I just took a pregnancy test. All I am is obese.
Pregnancy Wishes for Friend
Life's biggest miracle is the life growing inside a mother's womb. So here are some warm pregnancy wishes for friend./p>

Happy birthday to the mother and kid! I can't wait to cuddle and hold it! I really do.
Best wishes, bestie. Wishes of goodwill for you and your husband.
I can't wait to hear the news. Congratulations! Embrace each moment to the utmost.
Congratulations on beginning this new path. God's blessings be with you and your child always.
I'm thrilled and delighted about your baby, dear. Please remember to look for yourself. Good luck.
Dear friend, congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope this child brings you nothing but joy.
Congratulations on enjoying one of your life's best celebrations. May you and your child both live long, healthy lives. I'm sending my prayers and love.
It comes as a gift from above. Greetings and congratulations to you.
I hope the time leading up to and following its arrival is exciting. Greetings on your newest team member.
The good news of your pregnancy has made me happier than ever before. I can't wait to meet our much-anticipated new member. Stay secure and healthy.
Awaiting the moment when your child sobs hysterically. Wow! It must seem miraculous, don't you think? Congratulations!
I wish you well! What great news to begin the day with. Let's raise a glass to the lovely mother and her stork. Wishing you a happy and safe delivery.
Quotes for Pregnant Sister
During pregnancy, laughing can be a fantastic stress reliever. The following quotes will make you laugh and show you how happy you should be as a mother-to-be.

"There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it" - Chinese proverb
"Being pregnant is an occupational hazard of being a wife." - Queen Victoria
"It's a great thing about being pregnant - you don't need excuses to pee or to eat." - Angelina Jolie
"Never go to your high school reunion pregnant or they will think that is all you have done since you graduated." - Erma Bombeck
"Having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit." - Bill Cosby
"I think that carrying a baby inside you is like running as fast as you can. It feels like finally letting go and filling yourself up to the wildest limits." -Anonymous
"Part of being a parent is rolling with the punches, so consider an unexpected pregnancy the universe's way of helping you to learn to do that." - Heather Wittenberg
"In the pregnancy process I have come to realize how much of the burden is on the female partner. She's got a construction zone going on in her belly." - Al Roker
"A ship under sail and a big bellied woman are the handsomest two things that can be seen common." - Benjamin Franklin
"Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch." - E.B. White
"Think of stretch marks as pregnancy service stripes." - Joyce Armor
Funny Pregnancy Jokes
Being a mother is glorious and enjoying that glorious journey is the best experience. So below are some funny pregnancy jokes.

A woman may nearly comprehend what a man feels like when he gets a fever because of how painful childbirth is.
What would be different if guys became pregnant instead of women?
Morning sickness would be the most common health issue in the country, and maternity leave would be granted for two years at full pay.
What would you say is a pregnancy? You are both the hostage and the building in a nine-month hostage scenario.
Women are giving birth underwater. They claim that the infant is less traumatised since it is in the water, but the other pool users are undoubtedly more traumatised.
When the earthquake came, I sprinted to shield our brand-new TV. My spouse is expecting. Right now, we're conversing.
What pregnancy hunger is the most prevalent? for women to become pregnant rather than men.
4-year-old spotted my pregnant self in a photo. I describe how she was inside of me. I never want to do it again, she said after giving it some thought.
You want to pull your husband's clothing off or cut off his head due to pregnancy hormones. There's not at all any difference between it.
Why do men think women are stupid for becoming pregnant when it seems like she did it on her own?
Funny Pregnancy Quotes
Laughter is the best medicine and in pregnancy it proves to be an excellent therapy. So here are some funny pregnancy quotes.

"My friend has a baby, I am recording all the noises he makes so I can later ask him what he meant." - Stephen Wright
"Having a baby changes the way you view your in-laws, I love it when they come to visit now. They can hold the baby, and I can go out." - Matthew Broderick
"Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children and no theories." - John Wilmot
"Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething." - Mark Twain
"A child is a curly, dimpled lunatic." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I have two brains in my body but I have never been so dumb." - Anonymous
"It's double the giggles and double the grins, and double the trouble if you're blessed with twins.- Author unknown
"Can it be that the Greek grammarians invented their dual number for the particular benefit of twins?" - Herman Melville
"Sugar and spice and everything nice. Oh my gosh! It happened twice!" - Anonymous
"Becoming a father is easy enough, but being one can be very rough." - Wilhelm Busch
"Having a staring contest with a newborn is one of the weirdest things you'll ever do. And it is highly recommended." - Anonymous
Pregnancy Wishes for Sister
Getting your sister's clone is the best gift one can get. So here are some quotes for my pregnant sister.

May God provide my sweet sister a happy, simple, and safe pregnancy. Best wishes, dear sister!
I hope that having a baby would make you very happy in life. I hope you discover your paradise within the child. Happy expecting!
Sincere congratulations on your pregnancy. God bless you, my dear, and may He fill your home with smiles and lots of love in little steps. adore you
You're about to start a new stage of your life. You also need to assume additional responsibility as a mother. With gladness, I send you my best wishes.
Enjoy your pregnancy, dear sister. May your unborn child be healthy. Use these days to your advantage. I'm anxiously awaiting the birth of my nephew. Be persistent.
I can't wait to meet my little angel, dear sister. The joy I experienced after hearing this news is indescribable. To you, my congratulations.
God has paved a new route for you to follow, and I send my best wishes as you embark on this truly incredible trip. Best wishes, my beloved sister.
No matter what you, my nephew or niece, are carrying within your womb. I'm really thrilled to believe that we'll make the best gang and be the ideal crime-fighting partners.
After learning that you are expecting, my sister, I am ecstatic to the point of ecstasy. I can't wait to meet my little angel. I'd like to congratulate you.
I am aware that you are experiencing many conflicting feelings, sister. However, the alterations to your body only last a short while. An angel will enter your life after nine months to enhance its beauty. Be persistent.
I hope your pregnancy is easy and filled of wonders. It will be so wonderful to hold our little princess. May you be surrounded by good energy at all times. Happy expecting, my sister.
Pregnancy Congratulations
Whether a girl or a boy, fortunate are the ones who get a child. So below are some pregnancy congratulation messages.

When you hold your infant in your arms, I can't wait to see the happiness in your eyes. Congratulations!
Warmest regards as you begin this fantastic new chapter in your life! Congratulations!
I'm sending you and your partner my sincerest congratulations on your excellent news. Congratulations!
You are constantly on my mind and in my heart. I'm wishing you, your spouse, and your unborn child the very best as you begin this new phase of your lives!
It's a boy or girl! We are really happy for you and your lovely family! Congratulations!
Greetings on your fantastic news! A fresh start in life is wonderful. I'm overjoyed for you!
My heartiest congratulations on your pregnancy are sent your way! I'm wishing you health and happiness.
Congratulations, what fantastic news! You two will make fantastic parents. I'm overjoyed for you!
I hope you enjoy the next stage of your life because I have no doubt that you will excel in it. Congratulations!
Thank God, you're going to be a mother! Love and best wishes for a healthy pregnancy are sent your way.
I'm sending you and your family my best wishes and heartfelt congrats on this amazing news!
Pregnancy Jokes One Liners
If a mother is happy the child is healthy. And this is possible with some pregnancy jokes. So send these pregnancy jokes and make a mother happy.

Prior to quitting, I used to produce pregnancy flyers on an assembly line. Why? Answer: I'm over labour manuals now!
Do I need to be in the delivery room while my wife is giving birth? Answer: Not unless "alimony" has any meaning to you.
Should I host a baby shower? Answer: If you rapidly change the baby's diaper, the answer is no.
What pregnancy stage is the strangest? Answer: Anytime someone is undecided whether to congratulate you or offer to pay for your gym membership.
When is it deemed ideal to receive an epidural? Answer: Immediately after learning that you are pregnant.
I see people smiling at me more frequently as my pregnancy continues. Why? Answer: The reason is because you are heavier than they are.
I am 20 weeks along. When will my infant change? Answer: Hopefully soon after his college graduation.
How can you be sure that your child likes Shrek? Answer: Play All-Star by Smashmouth nonstop while your wife gradually spirals out of control.
Last week, our baby was born. When will my wife feel and behave normally once more? Answer: When they are in college.
When my husband wears boxers or briefs, are I more likely to become pregnant? Answer: If he wears nothing at all, your chances will be significantly better.
Funny Pregnancy Words
Mood-swing is common in pregnancy and so some funny words can boost up their mood. So below are some funny pregnancy words.

Best wishes on your pregnancy. Stop being frightened and wondering what to expect, please! There will be trouble for you soon.
Put an end to your weight concerns and feed your unborn child well. You're off the diet this year, honey.
Wishing you the best for all the difficulties you will soon face as parents.
The topic of whether or not to urinate is irrelevant; simply do it without embarrassment. Happy expecting.
You now have two brains since you are carrying a human inside of you. Be sure to warn your hubby about this!
Enjoy this bizarre setting where everyone is so kind to you because it will only last for 10 months.
Bid adieu to your freedom, weekend excursions, shopping, and partying. It's time to stop eating your favourite fast food, gain weight, and change diapers. Greetings from the unattractive world of pregnancy.
This is definitely not just. The baby kit came after you had to spend money on your wedding gift. In any case, congrats. I'm overjoyed for you.
I had an idea in my head. Your stomach will continue to expand daily! But you want to avoid being overweight! Haha! I'm eager to meet you! Best wishes.
Considering that. Now that he has a challenger, your husband will be OK. I wonder how he is feeling right now. I'm joking. I feel immense joy that you are pregnant.
Why not hibernate for a full nine months? You won't sleep for the next four years, I'll wager. Warm wishes and congratulations on this development.
Related:Pregnancy Wishes for Sister
Every woman's journey to parenting begins with the wonderful and beautiful event of pregnancy. I hope you have someone you want to congratulate on their pregnancy by sending them hilarious wishes and looking for a snarky approach to do so! You can send humorous pregnancy wishes to a variety of people in your family and circle of acquaintances, including your sister, sister-in-law, coworkers, close friends, and many others, during this priceless time in their lives. This article of humorous pregnancy quotes is a source of original suggestions for amusing pregnancy congratulations messages.