Last Updated:Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Sad Love Messages for Him or Her

Sad Love Messages for Him or Her: Major accomplishments and significant milestones in life need to be honored and appreciated. Perhaps a friend has received a significant promotion or new job, purchased their first home, or completed their high school or college education. Alternatively, it's possible that they got married, had a child, retired, or marked their 25th wedding anniversary. No matter the achievement or milestone, show them you care with these congratulatory gift suggestions, quotes, cards, and more! You can find the best set of words here in the form of quotes and messages which can be shared personally to make your loved ones feel proud and successful.

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  • I live each day with the regret of missing you. Your memories follow me everywhere I go and through all I do.
  • Every second we spent together left a lasting impression on my mind and heart. Though we might not be together, you will always have a special place in my heart.
  • Every tear costs more than everything in the entire world! But unless someone sees it in their own eyes for them, no one truly understands its worth.
  • Sad Love Messages for Him or Her
  • I've always worked to keep you content. But I suppose I fell short! wherever you are, I hope you are content.
  • Memories can be both happy and painful at the same time. I adored you so much that I occasionally cry when I think back on our time together.
  • I wish we could continue to be close. Living apart from you, my darling is tearing my heart.
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  • Your presence brought joy and happiness into my life. But now that you've left, I feel as though I'm living in a hollow shell.
  • You destroyed my heart, and now I feel like a hollow vessel. Would you mind returning and showering me with your love?
  • I have no idea how our relationship became stale and we drifted apart. I'm very eager to fix the broken branches. I assume you feel the same way.
  • Every day and every minute, I miss you! Because I always want you to be happy, I sincerely hope you always will be.

Sad Love Messages to Make Her Cry

Sad love notes serve as a vehicle for expressing your true thoughts while also offering support and company. Here are a few heartfelt messages for her.

Sad Love Messages to Make Her Cry
  • I wish you treated me the same way you treat me all the time. However, fate had other ideas. My love, though, still wants the best for you.
  • Do you realize how much I miss you, baby, with every breath I take? I wish you hadn't gone.
  • I've never experienced such horrible feelings alone. But regardless of how intense my anguish is right now, no matter how far away we are, I will always love you without conditions.
  • I'm aware that you might be enjoying making me hurt. More than you, I like this suffering because everything on earth, beautiful and horrible, is worth you.
  • The distance between us is what bothers me the most. Oh, my love, how I wish you were here with me right now!
  • Look into my eyes and see how much I adore you. As the single person in my heart, you are now essential to my existence.
  • Oh my goodness, I never thought this would ever happen to us. The love of my life is you. I wish you could be with me always.
  • I believed that no one could love me as much as I loved you. However, I now believe that no one could ever harm me as much as you have.
  • I keep returning to experience the warmth of your love despite the numerous times you have hurt me. You are worth it even when you hurt me, after all!
  • Even if loving you hurts, I can't stop doing it. I'll keep waiting for you with my eyes brimming with tears.

Painful Love Messages for Him

You must be eager to express and share your intense emotions with someone if you are reading this. Finding the right words to express and release strong emotions can be challenging. In order to let out strong feelings, I have some heartbreaking love text messages for you. Without further thought or care, let's get started.

Painful Love Messages for Him
  • It's difficult to act as though you love someone when you don't, but it's much more difficult to act as though you don't love them when you do.
  • The issue is that, even though I know you don't feel the same way about me, I still can't make myself stop loving you.
  • I tried to write a million words to bring you back, but it didn't work. I know this because I have shed tears; a million wouldn't either.
  • Even though no one can see the tears I'm crying now, I'm still able to get over all the depressing emotions that are hidden beneath my skin.
  • Even though you may still love someone, there are instances when moving on is preferable. However, since you must protect yourself from PAIN.
  • Love is like an ice cube; the more tightly you clutch onto it, the faster it will melt away, leaving you with nothing but the tears of shattered love.
  • Holding a candle when I was falling in love with you. At first, it illuminated the surroundings of me. Then it started to sting and melt. Finally, it went off, making everything even black, and all I have left is the... Burn!
  • A breakup is like a mirror that is broken. It is better to leave something broken than to risk hurting yourself while attempting to repair it.
  • Millions of smiles cannot erase a single heartache. However, a single pain might wipe out thousands of feelings of joy.
  • No matter how hard I work to make you happy, in the end, I always end up suffering, therefore it's never good enough.

Sad Love Messages to Make Him Cry

How can you express your love and concern for your boyfriend? Words have consistently shown to be the best, regardless of length. You have come to the right site if you're looking for things to say to your boyfriend to make him weep.

Sad Love Messages to Make Him Cry
  • I am still wallowing in the sadness and sorrow I felt when I discovered we wouldn't be spending time together.
  • I'd rather that you never injure me. But because I care about you so much, I will always forgive you and ask God to keep you blessed and content, no matter where you are.
  • It's simple to ignore the fact that your feelings for me have diminished. The thing that hurts the most right now is that I have less of you in my life.
  • I wish you had a shield when you left so I could shield myself from the suffering you have caused me.
  • Sadness is brought on by all the broken love you have given me, but I am handling it with all the positive memories.
  • I sob because there were times when you were almost mine. I sob over the memories I've abandoned. I weep for the hurt, the dead, the new, and the ancient. I sob for the moments when I believed I had you.
  • Despite the fact that I failed to reciprocate my love for you, it still exists today. I hope one day you understand that. I wish you could feel my anguish the way I did.
  • It's challenging to survive in a pitch-black pit. Missing your long, bear hug makes it harder to get through it. I hope that as we go forward, we can respect one another.
  • I believe I wounded myself while attempting to repair our damaged connection. Now, with both gladness and sadness in my heart, I can only wish us the very best in the years to come.
  • I even started crying because of how much you hurt me. Everything I ever asked was for you to accept me and give me a chance.

Sad Love Messages for Girlfriend

To help you cope with your shattered heart, find the greatest sad love messages to send to your girlfriend.

Sad Love Messages for Girlfriend
  • I am aware that you were never in my shoes. But regardless of what happens, I still adore you and always will. Because I depend on that to survive!
  • You are the angel who entered my life and radically altered it. You have left us today. But my love for you will last a lifetime.
  • You are my life and my heart, my lovely lady, and I will always adore you. I miss you often and will always miss you.
  • I shall always hold a piece of my heart for you. Even though you tore my heart to shreds, please know that you will always have my love and support.
  • My beloved sweetheart, if you are pleased to injure me repeatedly, I will also be happy to suffer harm. because, lovely, I still adore you.
  • You promised to look after me, but instead you harmed me; you promised me happiness, but instead I got sad; you promised me your love, but instead I got injured!
  • You cannot make me love you, and I cannot make you stop loving me. Keep my wounded heart in your wallet, please.
  • I don't want to destroy your eyeliner, but I do wish I could find more ways to make you happy. For your new path, please accept my love and best wishes.
  • I'll shed a lot of tears for you, but I don't want you to drown in misery. I always have positive thoughts for the woman I've loved. Still, I do.
  • You're the first person to have hurt my feelings. You will always be the one who hurt me the most for the rest of my life. Do not overlook that.

Sad Messages for Boyfriend

The most heartbreaking love messages will help you cope with your shattered heart, so send them to your partner.

Sad Messages for Boyfriend
  • Every tear I shed brings back memories of our times spent together. No matter what, I will always love you.
  • Finally, I learned from someone why it's not appropriate to hold individuals in high regard. Hope you are aware of such person.
  • The emptiness yells at me in the middle of the night, and I feel so powerless without you, therefore every day is tougher than the one before it, baby!
  • I had only just managed to offer you my everything when you played with my frail heart and betrayed my confidence. My heart still hurts for you, though!
  • To love you once more makes me nervous. But every time I see you, all I want to do is collapse into your arms and hold you there forever.
  • You had vowed to always keep me safe and never to harm me. But just as you have broken my heart too, you have broken that pledge.
  • You didn't understand how much I loved you despite the fact that I waited for you every day and loved you with all of my heart.
  • Despite being stabbed, broken, and hurt, my heart is still capable of beating. I wish it could tuck the sorrow away and go on.
  • I wish I could convey to you what I am currently feeling. I wish my guy could see the gloom I'm in right now. Please help me get out of this, my darling.
  • I'm hoping that I'll get better at managing my pain. Right now, I'm unable to and wish my great boyfriend were here.

Sad Messages for Her to Make Her Cry

You may always demonstrate to her the extent of the magnificent love you have had for her with this play on words. See some of the most heartfelt quotes about love that we found online that will make her cry.

Sad Messages for Her to Make Her Cry
  • I might not be the perfect boyfriend in the world, but I've always loved you. I wish you could love me in the same way.
  • The anguish that made us both miserable is engulfing me. I need you, my sweetie, so please help me get through this depressing emotion.
  • On my hands, I can still sense your presence. I still have an image of your lovely smile in the back of my mind. I wish you were here right now!
  • Because you didn't realize how much your critical remarks hurt me, I am upset today. But I do hope you can feel my emotions and anguish.
  • Why then do I want you to stay in my life forever and mend my wounds if it is true that a broken heart cannot be repaired?
  • I might be damaged today as a result of your absence. But I do hope you're content and missing me!
  • Never have I imagined a life without your lovely smile, your charming conversations, and your constant presence. But that is the life I currently lead!
  • I'm sorry, but my love wasn't enough, and you weren't worthy of me. I apologize for hurting you, but please know that seeing you scream your heart out hurts me more.
  • I'm hoping that instead of covering my gorgeous partner in a melancholy blanket, it will always bring her joy. Yes, even when you hurt me the hardest, I still love you.
  • The world's most gorgeous girl is difficult to forget. particularly since she is my girlfriend. Please try not to make me sadder.

Sad Text Message that will Make You Cry

Notes allow one to start conversations and convey things they are hesitant to do in person. Additionally, they let you carefully craft your sentences and check your work before you transmit it. Send them straight away to relieve yourself of the load.

Sad Text Message that will Make You Cry
  • No matter where you go, I'll miss you. Because I care about you so deeply, I will never forget you.
  • Despite how much I loved you, you never acknowledged my emotions.
  • wherever you are, be content. I'll adore you forever.
  • Both my heart and every heart experience pain. Just hoping I can continue to share it with you the same way I did previously.
  • I don't want to hold you accountable for my heartache. I'm going to blame fate. since I still adore you.
  • I'm missing the sensation of touching your smooth skin, the taste of your lingering tongue, and the unique smell of your breath.
  • I ponder why I adore you so much at times. You treat me with rudeness, sarcasm, and occasionally even disdain! Sometimes you're kind, loving, and considerate. It might not hurt as bad if I could learn to love you a bit less.
  • If the person you actually care about hasn't contacted you, no matter how many people contact you in a day, you will still feel unhappy and alone.
  • People often advise against giving up, yet there are occasions when doing so is the wisest course of action since you recognize your efforts are futile.
  • Each heart experiences agony. Only the manner of expression varies. The clever conceal it in their smile, while fools conceal it in their eyes.

Related: Sorry Messages for Boyfriend

Instead of holding feelings inside, they must be expressed. The individuals who are experiencing harm must inform others of their unhappiness, loneliness, and the critical period they are going through. The messages above express any negative emotions one may have in the absence of love, including anguish, hurt, sadness, regret, and disappointment. You can send your boyfriend or girlfriend these upsetting notes. You can make them cry by sending them these depressing messages. Nothing is going to be more useful for correctly expressing all the feelings than these brief texts.
