Last Updated:Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Monthsary Messages for Boyfriend

Monthsary Messages for Boyfriend: Falling in love is a beautiful thing. The day the proposal is made is remembered for a long time. The day the relationship started is marked and celebrated. Some celebrate it once every year as an anniversary. And some celebrate it every month as monthsary. The day you are committed to the relationship with the guy you love is to be remembered.  If you are unable to celebrate it with gifts and grandeur every month, send a sweet monthsary message to your boyfriend. Sweet romantic messages go a long way in relationships. Surprise your boyfriend with a loving monthsary boyfriend. Send him the message as text or post it on his social media wall. To make it more memorable you can send him a small gift with this message as a note stuck on it.

  • Not everybody is lucky like you to find such a caring and loving girl. Thank god for your beautiful girlfriend. You need to treat me to celebrate our relationship. Happy monthsary, my love!
  • You are a blessing and every moment spent with you is heavenly. You are more than I asked for. Happy monthsary dear!
  • The day I met you, I felt for you. I knew it was you, but wasn’t sure about your feelings. The day you proposed to me is most memorable. You stole my heart. Dear love, happy monthsary!
  • Monthsary Message For Boyfriend
  • I want to celebrate the day we got committed all my life. I am proud of you, my man. Being in love with you is a wonderful feeling. Happy monthsary!
  • Happy monthsary my love! I am lucky to be your girlfriend. You are so loving and caring. You are exactly what I wanted my boyfriend to be.
  • I do not want our love to ever end. I will always seek your love and you will always be mine. To my hot boyfriend, happy monthsary!
  • I love the way you hug me and run your one hand through my hair and your other hand rubbing my back. I love being in love with you. Happy monthsary!
  • I am yours and you are mine forever. I do not want this equation to change ever in this lifetime. I love you a lot and words are not enough to express. Happy monthsary!
  • You were with me during my good and bad days. I am happy to be with you. I love you in and out. Happy monthsary!
  • I am so proud of you and me. We have been together for a few months being in a relationship. We are so happy in each other’s company. Happy monthsary!
  • I am always thrilled to be with you. I will not be tired of loving and praising you. To my prince, happy monthsary!
  • In the last few months of relationship you have taught me many things. I can feel real love with you. Happy monthsary!
  • I care for you a lot. You matter to me the most. I am madly in love with you. I want to be in this relationship forever. Happy monthsary!
  • You have changed the world for me. My life is so different now. I am a more caring and giving person now. Thanks for coming into my life. Happy monthsary!
  • I never thought that my dream of falling in love with Mr.Perfect would ever come true. And now here I am celebrating our togetherness. Happy monthsary!

    1st Monthsary Message for Boyfriend

    1st Monthsary Message For Boyfriend
    • This one month just passed in the wink of an eye. I am thankful I met you. To the magical month with you, happy first monthsary!
    • We have been together for just one month. I would love to be in this relationship for a thousand more months to come. Happy first monthsary!
    • There was no one month in my life that I was so happy and zero sadness. I am overwhelmed in this relationship. I am most happy when with you. Happy first monthsary!
    • Happy first monthsary, my love! A month rolled in just a few minutes. There is no count on time when I am with you. I am truly in love with you.
    • As long as you are beside me, nothing can make me cry. Our love is the reason for my happiness. It has been a month I haven’t cried. Happy first monthsary!
    • Happy first monthsary, baby! I can definitely shout out to that world that I have found my love. I am the happiest around you.
    • Honey, I think you are my true love. Last one month with you was awesome. I just want to be with you for the rest of my life. Happy first monthsary!
    • No other happiness can match the happiness of having a boyfriend like you. Past one month has been very exciting for me. Happy first monthsary!
    • It just feels like yesterday that we committed to this relationship, but it has already been a month. Time flies when I am with you and always want to spend more time around you. Happy first monthsary!
    • You are my lucky charm. When with you everything works out perfectly. Last 30 days have been wonderful warm days of my life. Happy first monthsary!
    • Happy first monthsary, my love! I am not getting words to express my happiness. I am madly in love with you. Thank you for everything.
    • I had a crush on you for a long time but I was waiting for your move. The day you proposed to me, I went mad. It has been 30 days now and I am love struck with you. Happy first monthsary!
    • Let’s go camping into the woods to celebrate our love. Our relationship is just a month old but feels eternal. Happy first monthsary!
    • Our love has strengthened in the past few days. I can see us together going forward. Let our bond grow stronger. Happy first monthsary!
    • Happy first monthsary sweetheart! I love you the most and want to be with you for many long years.

    Long Distance Monthsary Messages for Boyfriend

    Long Distance Monthsary Messages for Boyfriend
    • I have spent a few more days away from you. The distance is making me grow stronger and also the bond with you is growing deeper. Happy monthsary!
    • Distance is just making us go fonder for each other. Our bond is much stronger than I ever thought. Happy monthsary!
    • I miss you and your hugs. We had beautiful meetups when in the same place. I just hope that we move back to the same place as soon as possible. Happy monthsary!
    • I miss you the most when I go pubbing with my friends.  Let us meet soon, I am able to stay away from you for long. Happy monthsary!
    • I miss you the most at dance floors. All our friends were jealous of us, our intimate dance. I just want to hit the dance floor with you. Happy monthsary!
    • I miss your kiss and your hands running through my hair and back. I never knew I could miss you this bad. Let’s meet soon. Happy monthsary!
    • I never knew I had developed dependency on you. Staying away from it is testing time for me. I am missing you really badly. Happy monthsary dear!
    • Let us meet soon to celebrate our new milestone in our relationship. I just want to hug you till you turn red; I am missing you that bad. Happy monthsary, my love!
    •  When I miss you, I just close my eyes and you are there holding me. I just love that feeling. Come back soon. Happy monthsary!
    • I never knew long distance could be this difficult. I want to wake up with you and go to sleep in your arms. Let us move together soon. Happy monthsary baby!
    • Please hurry up your process of moving to my place. I want you by my side when I go to bed. Long distance is becoming more difficult for me. Happy monthsary sweetheart!
    • Though my days are monochrome without you, my dreams are always colorful because you are there every night. Happy monthsary!
    • Today, you go to sleep exactly at 10pm. Let us meet in our dreams and celebrate our relationship, our journey together. Happy monthsary darling!
    • Happy monthsary, baby! Once you are back you have made up for the time you were away from me. I am waiting to see you in person and not online.
    • Your absence is causing me pain but love is healing all pain. I want you to be beside me every day when I wake up. I miss you. Happy monthsary, my king!

    Sweet Monthsary Message for Boyfriend

    Sweet Monthsary Message For Boyfriend
    • Happy monthsary sweetheart! This special day I want you to know that I am lucky to be your girlfriend. You are more than I deserve. I love you, my man.
    • You are the best boyfriend I could ever have. You know me very well and I love it when you hold my hand. Happy monthsary!
    • I love the possessive boyfriend version of you. I feel so loved when you hold me close to you when in public. Happy monthsary boyfriend!
    • I always thought a perfect boyfriend is an imaginary thing and does not exist in the real world. But since the day we are committed you have proved me wrong. You are my angel. Happy monthsary!
    • Love you too the core my boy. I loved it when you stood by me during my bad time the other day. I felt so safe and loved when you hugged me tight. Happy monthsary darling!
    • You have always been by my side, never made me feel lonely. I promise to be with you always. Happy monthsary sweetheart!
    • From the day we have met to us being in a relationship and to this day, we have come a long way. Our relationship has divine blessing. Happy monthsary dear!
    •  To my best friend, my guide, my pacifier, my dance mate, my boyfriend, a very happy monthsary! We are made for each other and we have a long way to go.
    • To the love of my life, happy monthsary! However my day has been, talking to you makes me feel good. I am madly in love with you, man.
    • I am already used to your fragrance. Your fragrance makes me feel safe, secure and alive. I have already developed emotional dependency on you. Happy monthsary baby!
    • I love to go cycling with you. Our last trip to the beach was most memorable and made our bond stronger. I want to go on more trips with you. Why not go on a trip to celebrate our monthsary!! Happy monthsary!
    • To my super hero, happy monthsary! I feel empowered around you. In my dreams you are always a superhero rescuing me. You are there everywhere even in my dreams.
    • Last few months were beautiful. I will never forget these days, because you were there with me creating wonderful memories. Happy monthsary darling!
    • After these many months of our relationship I want to confess that I always crave for your attention and care. I love the way you look at me. We do not need words to interact, our hearts talk. Happy monthsary!
    • It is you who have shown me what pure love feels like. I am blessed to be your girlfriend. Happy monthsary!

    You might have started the relationship very recently. During the initial few months of a relationship you need to rekindle the love every now and then. You will be more romantic and want to know more about the boy. You will want to talk more to him and take care of him. On every monthsary send him romantic monthsary messages as a text. If you want to flaunt your relationship then post it on social media. And if you want to present him a small gift or greeting then stick this message as a note on the gift. Surprise him and let him know you love him. This small action means a lot to him. Love should always be celebrated. Be it your 1st, 2nd or even 20+ monthsary, it calls for celebration. Show him how much you care for him and this relationship.
