Last Updated:Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Military Appreciation Month Wishes

Military Appreciation Month Wishes: Since 1999 the month of May has been observed as Military Appreciation Month in the United States of America.  May is a symbol of unity in the nation and honors the sacrifices of United States Armed Forces. This is to celebrate and thank the people who have served or currently serving the nation. The sacrifices made are remembered and thanked. This May is a perfect chance to express your gratitude to U.S military and their families for everything they do 365 days of the year.  Have high regards for past and present military families and celebrate Loyalty Day, VE Day, Military Spouse Appreciation Day, Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day. We are enjoying our freedom and secure life because of the sacrifices made by them. Below are well crafted beautiful Military Appreciation Month wishes, quotes and messages. Share them with family and friends who served the country and express your gratitude.

  • My gratitude for your sacrifices cannot be expressed through words. You are a real hero for me. Grand salute to the military. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • This month is to celebrate you guys. Thank you is not enough to express our gratitude to you and your families. For all the sacrifices and braveness, our respects to you. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • This is the month to honor all the men and women of our nation who sacrifice their life to protect and serve their country and countrymen.  A salute to their bravery and dedication! Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Military Appreciation Month Wishes
  • People like you have safe guarded us. You made sure we had our freedom and this guarantee made us take it for granted. Dear brothers and sisters, my respects to you all. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • I respect every bit of efforts and sacrifices you made for us. Serving in the military is no easy or ordinary job. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Every military spouse and family cultivates a special kind of bravery. We honor you for this courage and sacrifices. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • To all our women and men in the military uniform, former, current and future, you are special and nearer to God. Thank you and god bless you and your families. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Thank you to all our soldiers, our military. To all dead, living, past and present, much respect. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • This month respects, honors, remembers, acknowledges and recognizes all military personnel.  Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • To the men and women who have served throughout the past and the ones in uniform serving the nation and all the Americans who have given up their life in the defense of our freedom that we enjoy till date. Thank you for your service. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Our sound sleep is the charity of our men and women in our defense forces. With grateful heart, Happy Military Appreciation Month! 
  • Gratitude to our American heroes, who are in military uniforms and defending us from the enemies. You have won all battles with your devotion, courage and braveness.  Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Dear Military men, only because of you and the toll you paid by choice, only because of you the fame and laurels of our nation still fly high. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • You are the hero who understood to protect the freedom of the country. Thank you. Happy Military Appreciation Month! 
  • I express my gratitude for you. I will never forget your sacrifices. I will live by them. Happy Military Appreciation Month!

Appreciation Quotes for Martyrs/Deceased Soldiers

Appreciation Quotes For Martyrs Soldiers
  • There is no death higher than dying in service of one’s country. Your sacrifices are always remembered.
  • Happy Military Appreciation Month! Salutations to all the deceased soldiers.
  • All martyrs live in our loving memory. Happy Military Appreciation Month! Today, we remember you and your service for the country.
  • A real history is made by martyrs. The sacrifices of our men, generates events for history. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • All martyrs are alive through their works till the human race ends. Through history they are celebrated. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • The blood shed by martyrs will never go in vain. We will never forget the sacrifices made by them. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • We honor the chivalry of our servicemen and women who sacrificed their life for citizens and our country. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • The land has remained free for this long only because of brave military men and women. Gratitude and respect for all deceased soldiers. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • The martyrs have shown us what true heroism is. They will always be alive in people’s hearts. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • The deceased military men have given up their life fighting for the country. They are the life of this free country. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Your life has shown us what bravery looks like. Even through your death you have displayed courage and heroism. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • There is no better death than dying while serving the motherland. You inspire many to serve their country. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Dying for the country is the highest form of patriotism. Through death soldiers show their love of their motherland. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Soldiers might die serving the nation but they are immortal because they are always alive in history and people’s memory. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Living for a country is more meaningful than living a long life. You will be the most happy serving your country. Rest in peace, dear soldier.
  • Every year in the month of MAY, all martyrs are remembered and honored. They are always alive in citizen’s memories. Happy Military Appreciation Month!

Military Appreciation Quotes for a Military Friend

Military Appreciation Quotes For a Military Friends
  • Dear friend, thank you for taking all the risks and sacrifices you made.  Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • I have known you since childhood. Your passion to serve the motherland was immense. We all love you our military friend. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • While I was busy securing my career and family, you chose to serve the country and safeguard its citizens. We are proud of you dear friend. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Your joining the army in early days inspired many others to follow your path. You are a true patriot my friend. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • I am proud to be your friend and this land is proud of his brave son. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • You are a true leader, leading the country from front and safeguarding it. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Success has always been yours since our growing up years. You will have great success in the military too my friend. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • I am proud of the choices you have made. You choose the country over everything else.  Military was your calling. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Though we grew up together our wants are so different. I was bursting with pride when you chose to join the military. I am lucky to be your friend. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • You are worth all the respect and love you receive. You work day in and out to safeguard the country's freedom. Respect to you dear friend. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • I am out of words seeing your courage and bravery. You have risked yourself many times in the military. Proud of you. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • While we are pub hopping and partying, you are working day and night protecting our freedom. Hats off to your courage and patriotism. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • I am proud of you my dear friend. You are my real life hero. The way you toil day and night to safeguard us is commendable. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • You have always been strong and brave; you were just born to be a soldier. You are great my dear friend. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • You are my greatest inspiration my dear military friend. Your sacrifices and risks taken by you mesmerize me. Proud of you champ. Happy Military Appreciation Month!

Military Appreciation Month Wishes for a Military Brother

Military Appreciation Month Wishes For a Military Brother
  • Happy Military Appreciation Month! Our family is very proud of you dear brother. You inspire all the younger ones in the family to join the military.
  • Dear brother, now you have a very big family. The day you joined the military, the whole country became your family because family comes first. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • You have always been one man army, your strength and courage is unimaginable. Happy Military Appreciation Month, brother!
  • Military uniform has its own magic. The day I saw you in uniform, my chest swelled with pride and tears escaped my eyes. Proud of you brother. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • The mental strength is what made you a soldier today. Military is the toughest job and you are making it look cakewalk. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Your physical strength always makes me think you were born to be a soldier. You are precious. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Dear brother, we love you and love you more for serving our motherland. You’re an amazing soldier and a fabulous brother. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • May keep thinking what to do and make some difference for fellow citizens. And my brother is above these people because he is a proud soldier serving in the U.S military. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • I proudly tell my friends and family that my brother fights for your freedom. I always pray for your safety. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • We as a family always pray and wait for you till you are back home safe. Brother, Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Dear brother, your duty is to serve the country and as your sibling I will always support you and pray for you. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • You make the toughest job of being a soldier look so easy. Proud of you dear brother. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • You always inspire me to be a better person. Your sacrifices encourage me to serve the country in my little way. Happy Military Appreciation Month, brother!
  • Joining the military was a very brave decision you made. You overcame all your fears and gave up all your wants to be a soldier. You are a true patriot brother. Happy Military Appreciation Month!
  • Dear brother, you ensured the country’s peace ignoring yours. You made sure the nation sleeps well sacrificing yours. Happy Military Appreciation Month!

You are in the right place if you are looking for an exquisite collection of messages and wishes for past and present military service people and family. They sacrifice everything for the country and its citizens. This act of theirs needs appreciation. Paying our respects to deceased soldiers is very much needed. The sacrifices made by military spouses and kids need to be appreciated and applauded along with our soldiers. So this May, make sure you thank all the military men and women you know. Also include the ones martyred and their families. As a sweet gesture, send them these messages, wishes and quotes. Share Military Appreciation Month wishes with each individual and on social media.
