Last Updated:Saturday, 7 January 2023

Funny Goodbye Messages

Funny Goodbye Messages: No matter who you are saying goodbye to, parting is always a bittersweet experience. Typically, since it affects your job, you must be formal and professional when bidding your coworker or employer goodnight. It's never easy to say goodbye, and you can find yourself speechless. Here are some humorous farewell texts that you can send to your boss, coworkers, or a close friend as they leave the office.

Say goodbye to them while grinning. On their final day at work, express your sincere gratitude and send them these well wishes. Express your gratitude for all of their efforts and advice while expressing your deep regard for the individual. These funny goodbye messages can be used in front of friends and family to bid them a happy farewell and yet be able to express your emotions of being sad, choose the best set of funny goodbye messages listed below and leave an impression to the hearts with one last goodbye.

  1. You might be doing a great job there. You might also earn a good wage. But you won't find such amazing coworkers as we do! Please think again!
  2. Seeing you in the office will be missed. (Actually, no. Enjoy your life.)
  3. You are a fantastic friend, and you have a real knack for spoiling others! You will be greatly missed by all of us! I hope you have a prosperous future. Maintain contact.
  4. I'm sure your new job will pay you well, but there's no guarantee you'll have similarly fantastic coworkers as we did. Do you intend to leave?
  5. Without you, it will not be the same. Actually, things will get better! Farewell!
  6. Keep your tears to yourself as we say goodbye!  I'm kidding, but I'll miss you terribly.
  7. Funny Goodbye Messages
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  9. It's fortunate that you're leaving; nobody will have to suffer in the workplace anymore. I'm joking.
  10. It stresses me out that we have to train someone to become one of us. Please don't leave.
  11. I hope you have problems in your new workplace. Also, make sure you make an impression on them. Lucky you, guy.
  12. It's a bad habit to have amazing coworkers because it won't be able to work with anybody else after you leave. Goodbye.
  13. The company's other costs will go down now that you're departing, while productivity will rise, deadlines will be met, and efficiency will soar. In reality, the complete opposite will occur. Adieu.
  14. You were my supervisor for the majority of those years before becoming a friend. I'm looking forward to being merely your friend now that you've quit. Farewell.
  15. I wish I could say good-bye to you instead of saying goodbye so that you might come back and continue working with us. The reason I won't is that I always want the best for you. Farewell.
  16. In order to prevent you from ever leaving us, if I had to pull one last joke on you before saying goodbye, I would secretly bind your legs to your cubicle. Goodbye.
  17. What a weird thing it is to say goodbye to you! Please assure me that this is not the end of the world. I'm sure you'll always stop by my office to ask for help, but keep in mind that it costs money. You'll be missed, friend!
  18. We all hope your resignation is turned down and your dog eats the letter confirming your new position. We don't want to say goodbye to a boss, so farewell.
  19. I'm relieved that I no longer have to put up with your irate outbursts, but on the other hand, the idea of having a new boss makes me pee my pants. Farewell.
  20. I wish there was a condition in my employment contract that said I had to do your job and follow you everywhere you went.
  21. I'm still baffled by your decision to leave the business. Do you believe you can enjoy yourself greatly in your new workplace without us? Let's check out who will miss what now.
  22. Although it's time to say goodbye, I'd much prefer say hello because I find goodbyes to be melancholy. Welcome to a fresh journey.

Also Read:Goodbye Messages For Boyfriend

Funny Goodbye One Liners

Find the ideal humorous one-line farewell message by using the samples below:

Funny Goodbye One Liners
  1. Goodbye! We probably won't miss you, I guess!
  2. Goodbye, dear friend. Enjoy your holiday.
  3. Our office prankster is finally leaving us.
  4. The pulse of this workplace has left.
  5. Good luck, finding coworkers who are better than I am.
  6. It's time to move on—bye!
  7. Okay, fry dude, bye!
  8. You'll be in my sights if I don't see you around.
  9. I bid you adieu. On the rebound, I'll catch you.
  10. Buffalo, I've got to go. Continue to flourish!

Also Read:Farewell Quotes

Funny Goodbye Quotes from the Office

Without comedy, the world may be a pretty dreary place. Here is a collection of popular and hilarious farewell quotes (by uncredited authors).

Funny Goodbye Quotes from the Office
  1. "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose." - Dr. Seuss
  2. "See you later, alligator" - "See You Later Alligator," Bill Haley and the Comets
  3. "A man never knows how to say goodbye; a woman never knows when to say it." - Helen Rowland
  4. "Bye Felicia!" - Friday.
  5. "Goodbye, Vietnam! That's right, I'm history, I'm outta here, I got the lucky ticket home, baby." - Good Morning Vietnam
  6. "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go" - Oscar Wilde
  7. "It is generally agreed that 'Hello' is an appropriate greeting because if you entered a room and said 'Goodbye,' it could confuse a lot of people." - Dolph Sharp
  8. "So long, and thanks for all the fish!" - Douglas Adams
  9. "Memorial Service: Farewell party for someone who's already left." - Robert Byrne
  10. "While I will miss you till you return, I am hoping that you will make up for it by bringing me fantastic presents. Happy travels.”

Also Read:Breakup messages

Funny Goodbye Quotes for Coworkers

Useful for a farewell note or to keep you smiling throughout a goodbye are humorous farewell quotations listed below:

Funny Goodbye Quotes for Coworkers
  1. Goodbye to the team's "Gossip Girl," who will be missed not only for the gossip but also for her candor and caliber. Best wishes and good bye.
  2. The person that keeps this office beating bids you farewell. We appreciate you constantly providing snacks and your sense of humor! Greetings for the future.
  3. I wish I could play one final practical joke on you by tying you to your desk and keeping you here with us permanently. Working with you has been enjoyable. Farewell.
  4. Adieu to the funniest coworker who made sure that every lunch break was fantastic and every boring meeting was enjoyable. I'm going to miss you a lot here, for sure. Be careful!
  5. Without your motivational speeches and deadlines, I'm not sure how we'll get by. Things won't be the same here without you, but at least things will be simpler! Best wishes for your upcoming chapter!
  6. You're finally leaving, something I feared would never happen! A huge relief!
  7. Even to think that you're leaving shocks me! I hope you understand how dead you are to me and how unsuccessful you are in everything. Soon, bye.
  8. You know, they always say that sending gifts to friends is the best way to stay in touch. Bye!
  9. I wish you the best and promise that if you don't phone me at least once a week, I will track you down. and I'll give you the biggest embrace possible!

Funny Goodbye Quotes for Friends

If you're struggling to come up with the appropriate parting texts, we've got you covered. Send these funny goodbye quotes for friends:

unny Goodbye Quotes for Friends
  1. You won't find another young group of coworkers like us, no matter how hard you look. I sincerely miss you and hope your new workplace sees brighter days.
  2. Goodbye. You won't be missed at all. I'm joking. With you gone, the office will be vacant.
  3. I'll be furious with you forever for leaving me here amid all this madness. Please remember me, my dear ex-colleague. I will miss you so much.
  4. I wonder who will act as our bulwark against the boss's fury and rants now that you are leaving. Happy life to you, my friend. I'll see you later.
  5. You have been a lifesaver and a wonderful teammate, dear coworker. Tell us, however, how much more money you are making at your new workplace.
  6. I appreciate you giving me the chance to sit in your chair; I've been waiting for it for a while. At your new workplace, I hope they provide you with a cozier chair.
  7. Hello, my fellow workers. Let's not cross paths once more in the future.
  8. We shall miss you even though we will curse you for leaving us with so much work to do.
  9. Never look back now that you're departing, my comrade. Goodbye.

Goodbye Jokes to Coworkers

We've compiled a bunch of amusing farewell memes and hilarious farewell memes for coworkers below. So, let's go!

Goodbye Jokes to Coworkers
  1. When I pass away, I want to go out like my grandma, who passed away calmly while sleeping rather than wailing like everyone in her car.
  2. Whenever I sleep, I can still see your face. Because of this, I frequently awaken screaming. "You are the weakest link when you believe that no one loves you, cares about you, and when all you can do is cry and leave because everyone is against you. 'Bye!' 
  3. 10% of men who leave their wives kiss their home goodbye. "Not all farewells are depressing, such as "Goodbye Class!
  4. Without you, it won't be the same. In fact, things will become better!
  5. Farewell. Someone is going to miss you a lot. But I won't be the one to do it!
  6. It's a bad habit to have great coworkers because it won't be able to work with anybody else after you leave.
  7. On the outside, be aware that we can be grinning and saying our goodbyes. On the inside, though, we are pleading with you to leave your new position and return to work with us.
  8. Your employment in this office may have ended with your resignation, but the pleasant memories of working with you will always remain.

Also Read:Farewell

It can be difficult to part ways with someone with whom you spent your 9 to 5 office hours working on late-night projects because saying farewell to them can be an emotional event. Never forget to share the wonderful journey of your coworkers, whether they are moving to a new workplace, getting transferred, or retiring. You could feel bad saying goodbye to a great boss or coworker.

But instead of being sad, smile as you wave them off. Tell them how valuable and capable a worker they were for the position. Don't let the idea of saying goodbye make you unhappy. Keep in mind that saying farewell need not always be depressing. Be careful to thank them and express your respect before you depart. Be considerate and wish them well on their journey.
