Last Updated:Monday, 26 December 2022

Birthday Wishes to Cat

Birthday Wishes to Cat: Cats are one of the most adorable creatures. Everyone's pet is close to them, so why don't we celebrate their birthdays? It may seem silly to others, but our fluffy cute one needs our attention on its birthday. Celebrating our pet's birthday makes us happy as well as makes our pets also very happy and delighted. After all, pets do also have the right to live their life happily and freely. So, here are some of the good wishes and messages for the pet-like cats, to wish them a Happy Birthday!

  • Watching you grow and play around makes me happy and proud like a parent, I love you. May you always be cheerful, playful, and never get sick, Happy Birthday, kitty!
  • After coming home from the office, all tired, I become fresh again when you jump at me and meow. Happy Birthday, my fluffiest cute little kitty!
  • If cats really have nine lives, I hope you take birth in my house as my pet every single time. Happy Birthday, little darling!
  • Birthday Wishes to cat
  • Hey beautiful, see I got your favorite dish, milk with a big fish, wish you a healthy and sweet life, Happy Birthday, my dear kitty!
  • As today is your special day, I will listen to your every demand and won't complain about you, you can boss me around how you want. Happy Birthday, my lovely kitten!
  • You are my eternal source of happiness, joy, and cure for my stress. Even when you break my expensive items and scratch me, I immediately forget those after looking at your sweet innocent face. Happy Birthday, my sweet little baby!
  • To the real queen of this house, my little master, my cat, Happy Birthday to you, today your highness, you will be served anything that you wanted!
  • I haven't seen any other cat on this planet who is as stunning as you. Your fur is the softest and your eyes, the roundest. Happy Birthday to my furry little angel!
  • My lovely and precious cat, you are one of the most special companions I have ever had in this life, and I want to take this big day in your world to wish you a very Joyful Birthday!
  • You surely have your way of taking advantage of your charm, you summon me with your purr. Happy Birthday to the cutest kitty in town!
  • You are truly lucky to spend nine lives, just eating and sleeping all the time. Happy Birthday, furball!
  • I know that many will see you as just an ordinary cat, but to me, you are more than just a simple cat, you are a special friend who I love and treasure so much, have a Fabulous day of Birth, my dear!
  • I love almost everything about you, but my favorite one is your soft black and white fur that I always wanted to touch. Happy Birthday, furry angel!
  • You are so fluffy and I love it when you are in my arms, petting you is one of the best things to do during the day. Have tremendous fun on your birthday, Happy Birthday!
  • Today is your birthday, so you can have all the meat you want and more. You are precious to me and I would do anything to see you happy on your birthday, Happy Birthday, my sweetheart!
  • I don't care about the myths that say that black cats bring bad luck. All I know is that you bring happiness to my life. Happy Birthday, cutie!
  • When I got you, I thought I was getting a pet cat, but as time has gone, I have obviously realized that I got myself a master. Happy Birthday, little master!
  • Every purr and every meow from you are like a sound from heaven. Whenever I hear it, my heart jumps with happiness for having the best pet in the world. You proved to me that it is the right choice to have a cutie cat like you, Happy Birthday!
  • It is astonishing the way you can reduce my stress in me after a long day's work. I am beyond gratified to have you in my life, Happy Birthday!
  • Spending time with you brings so much happiness and sunshine into my life. Have a birthday that is as fabulous as your priceless meows. Happy Birthday, dear!

1st Birthday Wishes to Cat

1st Birthday Wishes to Cat
  • In your own, purring way, you are the best cat anyone could ever hope to meet, as today, it's your 1st birthday, so, I wish you all the happiness. Happy 1st Birthday, furball!
  • Nothing beats the joy you bring to my life every single day. I have got fish for you, your favorite, Happy 1st Birthday, dear!
  • I think I am going to end up fattening you up today. I have got all your favorite treats here for you on this special day, Happy 1st Birthday, kitty!
  • Wish you the best on your birth anniversary, I have bought a scratch post just for you, so you can scratch it to your heart's content. Happy 1st Birthday, kitty!
  • You are the best gift to have walked into my life, I thank God for giving me the greatest cat. As you have turned one year old today, I wish you all the sweetness and happiness. Happy 1st Birthday!
  • It is your 1st birthday, and I am going to make you feel like what you truly are, the coolest cat in the world. May you be blessed with a truly gleeful birthday celebration, Happy 1st Birthday, darling!
  • It used to be so lonely without you around, your presence in my life has made so much of a difference. You are a cat that brings so much happiness and you deserve the best on your birthday, Happy 1st Birthday, my bundle of joy!
  • You are close to my heart and you always will be. A toast to the craziest and the most amazing cat, Happy 1st Birthday, dear!
  • You are my hero, kitty cat, I do not see any more mice around the house, thanks to you. The least I can do is show you love on your birthday and get you anything you want, Happy 1st Birthday, my cutie!
  • Hello, my cute little friend, it is your 1st birthday today, even though you might not realize it. Don't worry, sit tight and enjoy while I shower you with treats, wish you a very Happy 1st Birthday, darling!

Birthday Wishes for a Friend's cat

Birthday Wishes for a Friends cat
  • Wishing your cute little cat a very Happy Birthday and also congratulations for making you a responsible and sensible person!
  • Happy Birthday to your little one and favorite buddy. May he/she grow up healthy and cuter, okay, I know he/she is the cutest in the whole world!
  • Happy Birthday to your sweetest, cutest and best cat, look at those paws, oh, she grew so well, may this little thing shine every day!
  • A cute little celebration for the sweet little and fluffiest thing on Earth, may she get all the happiness and love of the world, Happiest Birthday to her!v
  • Wishing your lovely furry friend a super duper Happy Birthday. May it continue to bring warmth and happiness into your world!
  • Wishing your furball the best of luck on this beautiful day that she made her entry into the world. May happiness and good luck surround her, today and forever, Happy Birthday to her!
  • Happy Birthday to your absolutely adorable furry little friend, it's amazing how every year, he/she is blessed with more beauty and grace!
  • Happy Birthday to your little furball, may her birthday blesses her with a life that is full of countless beautiful colors and happy moments!
  • I hope this birthday gets your kitty cat on cloud 9. I am actually jealous of it because it eats and sleeps better than I do, Happy Birthday to your kitty!
  • Your cute little kitty is the most intelligent cat I have ever met. If I didn't know better, I would say it is smarter than its owner, I am hoping it gets filled with bliss on its birthday, Happy Birthday to your cat!

Happy Birthday Kitty

Happy Birthday Kitty
  • Happy Birthday to the most adorable member of this household who is the definition of the word CUTE. Happy Birthday!
  • I think you secretly know how cute you really are, and you take advantage of your cuteness all the time. Happy Birthday, cute kitty!
  • You have no idea how powerful your purr is, I adopted you because my heart melted when you purred and it changed my life forever. Happy Birthday!
  • Watching your beautiful eyes, listening to your meows, and massaging your head puts me in a happy face called heaven. Happy Birthday, kitty!
  • Happy Birthday to a crazy cat who keeps me feline warm and fuzzy inside all year long, I love you!
  • The life of a cat is one that's carefree, full of naps in the sun, and making me happy, Happy Birthday, kitty!
  • It is always lovely to have a cat as a pet, but it is lovelier to have one who is as outstandingly special as you are, Happy Birthday, kitty!
  • I can't decide on which one you look the cutest; sleeping, munching on your cat food, biting your tail, or playing with your toy. You look equally adorable, Happy Birthday, furball!
  • I chose you to be my best friend because you are such a wonderful cat with cute purrs and round blue eyes. To my little tiger, I wish you a very Happy Birthday!
  • Today is the day you graced this earth and our lives with your presence. May you continue to have beautiful fur that shines brighter than all the stars in the universe. Happy Birthday, kitty!

Funny Cat Birthday Wishes

Funny Cat Birthday Wishes
  • Happy Birthday your highness, what would you like me to get for you today? Please meow whenever you need me in any way!
  • I don't know whether I am wishing a Happy Birthday to my master or my pet. Happy Birthday, dear kitty!
  • You have occupied my heart, which I liked, but you have also occupied my bed, for which I didn't have a choice. Happy Birthday, dear!
  • You may be my pet cat, but many of the times, treat me as a pillow, but regardless of how arrogant and stubborn you are, your sweetness will forever make my heart happy. Happy Birthday, pussy!
  • There are only few works that you know to do; eating, sleeping, purring, growling, and scratching, you enjoy these works and never gets tired from it. I truly envy a cat's life, Happy Birthday, little dude!
  • My boyfriend is really envy of you because I love allowing you to scratch me, lick me, stick up with me in bed, even peeing on me, and play with me till no end. Even he does not get some of these rights to do with me, Happy Birthday, kitty!
  • I got you a gift on your birthday, it's your favorite thing, now would you bother a little to open your gift? Happy Birthday, dear darling!
  • I wish my life could be like yours, I wish I could eat like you anytime, I could sleep anytime, and go to play anywhere, like you, but alas, it is not so. I wish my life was as full of fun as yours, but it is not so. I sometimes really get jealous of you, Happy Birthday, my pussy cat!
  • I got a beautiful gift on your birthday today. You know what it is? It's a litter box for you, just kidding, I got a big fish for you. Happy Birthday, my kitty!
  • My dearest friend is extremely photogenic, stylish, graceful, modern, self- centered, and independent. She is not a supermodel or actress; she is my lovely cat. Happy Birthday, dear!

Cat Birthday Captions for Instagram

Funny Cat Birthday Wishes
  • "A cat's life is a carefree one, you eat, purr, scratch, sleep and repeat. Happy Birthday, my lucky furball!"
  • "Today is your birthday, the day you are allowed to scratch me and others, break vases, and do whatever you like, you are totally free for today, Happy Birthday, my pussy!"
  • "Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties. You are the luckiest one, Happy Birthday, pussy!"
  • "I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior, yours is also much superior. Happy Birthday, kitty!"
  • "If a dog jumps in our lap, it is because he is fond of us, but if a cat does the same thing, it is because our lap is warmer. You also, always do the same thing with me, Happy Birthday, kitty!"
  • "When I am with you, I am feline great. Happy Birthday, darling!"
  • "Cat parties without catnip is just clawful, I know, Happy Birthday, my pussy, I love you!"
  • "It's your birthday today, so let's get the pawdy started, I adore you, Happy Birthday, kitty!"
  • "The older I get, the more felines I have for you. Happy Birthday, darling!"
  • "A pawsome feline- friendly cake for a purrfect cat like you, Happy Birthday, dear kitty!"


Related: Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy

Cats are funny and loving creatures, and they are too good as a favorite pet. It seems a little silly, but a dear pet cat deserves a little celebration on its birthday. Cats do deserve all that rights and freedom that we humans have. If we shower our love and dedicated time to our pets like cats, in return, they will also shower their love on us!
