Last Updated:Monday, 26 December 2022

Birthday Wishes for Grand Mother

Birthday Wishes for Grand Mother: A relationship between a grandmother and her grandchildren is special in so many ways, she is the rock of your home, she cares for your health, spreads happiness in the family and whatever she does is beyond explanation. So, why stay back to celebrate her birthday in every special manner when you can, no birthday gift can surprise your grandmother as much as a beautiful card and a hand-written message of your memory with her because that's what she will cherish for the rest of her life. Shower our with love, hugs, kisses and messages to relive her entire life. We have curated special bong messages for your grandmother, take a look and add memory when you write a message.

  • Happy birthday to our dearest grandmother, may you live a long and healthy life. You are the best healer in the world, keep smiling always!
  • I have never seen a gorgeous lady ruling the world at this age, surely age is a number. Love you to infinite, happy birthday dearest grandma.
  • Dearest grandma, may God always give your strength to fight my stubbornness and my demands because nobody else can do that. Happy birthday, grandma, love you!
  • birthday wishes for grandmother
  • Here's to another year filled with love and happiness, we get to click a lot of pictures and make memories with you. Happy birthday, grandmother, may you live the longest!
  • Happy birthday grandma, to the generations you have lived, revolutions you have seen, no social media can beat the power of remembrance. Love you!
  • Candles are blown, wishes are made, Oh my dear grandmother, may you live the best! Happy birthday here's to another year of love and laughter!
  • To my grandmother, who has always kept my secrets and been an amazing partner in crime. Happy birthday to my funny grandma and a secret keeper! Love you.
  • To the purest soul on this earth I can ever find, how can you be so patient and surreal grandma? I just love watching you, happy birthday!
  • Your warm hugs and pieces of advice has always kept me going on such difficult paths. I owe everything to you, happy birthday grandma!
  • I can never find a friend like you who parties with me at this age but you can never grow old grandma, you are so young at heart. Happy birthday, loads of love!
  • Let's not count your grey hair, let's count memories, cakes, candles and our late-night gossip. Happy birthday, grandma, stay young forever!
  • Dearest grandmother, I pray for your healthy and long life, may you always stay this strong and keep empowering me. I love you grandma, happy birthday!
  • May God showers his blessings all upon you, you are the greatest gift to our family grandma, happy birthday and wish you loads of love!
  • You have always pampered me with unconditional love and warmth, I am grateful to have you in my life. Happy birthday, grandma, wishing you good health!
  • Happy birthday to my dearest grandma, you have always been the pillar of the family and you have always supported me. Thank you and I love you!

Birthday Wishes For Grandma From Granddaughter

birthday wishes for grandmother form grand daughter
  • Wishing my dearest grandma a very happy birthday, may your special day be filled with surprises and love. You are young at heart with an old body, oh the body is young too, love you!
  • Thank you for sharing your genes of beautiful looks and smart brains with me. Happy birthday to my old but cutest grandma, loads of love!
  • I have received a friend in you grandma, you have always helped and supported me. I am so blessed to have you, happy birthday grandma, love you!
  • Wishing you a wonderful happy birthday grandma, you are the best in the whole wide world, my life would be so incomplete without you in it.
  • Happy birthday dearest grandma, your faith in me has always kept me going to achieve better, may you feel all the love that I have for you, loads of love!
  • Spending time every day is my favourite part, your little stories have inspired me in ways you can't imagine, thank you for everything, happy birthday grandmother!
  • Dearest grandmom, thank you for always tieing my hair beautifully, sharing your best suggestions for my clothing styles. You are one Moder woman, happy birthday!
  • Your existence makes the world a better place, you have the most beautiful smile in the world, love your grandma, wish you a very happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to a grandmother from our granddaughter, we have that friendship, that bond and beautiful memories to cherish forever, love you!
  • We have always shared everything, my heart belongs to you grandma, happy birthday!

100th Birthday Wishes For Grandmother

100th birthday wishes for grandmother
  • Dearest grandma, lucky are those who get to hit a century and you are one blessed person. Happy 100th birthday, may you live a longer life!
  • Celebrating your 100th feels like a victory and indeed it is. Happy birthday, dearest grandma, thank you for giving me so many great lessons for life!
  • Happy birthday dearest grandma, I am so blessed to share my life and everything with you, congratulations on turning 100th, it feels like a dream.
  • From my little feet to our so many memories together, we are celebrating your 100th grandma, happy birthday, you are the best!
  • I couldn't believe you have turned 100th today, it feels like yesterday when we were talking about this day and today we are celebrating, happy birthday grandmother!
  • Happy 100th birthday to my gorgeous grandmom, you are young at heart, modern at mind, you almost feel like my age grandma, just so surreal.
  • To the woman, who has always cheered me up when I was down, you were and you are my best friend number 1, happy 100th birthday!
  • If I will ever count my blessings, I will count you twice grandma, you are the person I could never afford to lose, happy 100th birthday grandma, stay cheerful!
  • I have never seen such a strong woman at such an age, you are truly an inspiration for me. Happy 100th birthday grandma, loads of love!
  • With you everything feels easy like it was never a problem, thank you for teaching me with patience. Happy 100th birthday grandma, love you!

75th Birthday Wishes For Grandmother

75th birthday wishes for grandmother
  • To more power, to more womanhood, you have always raised the voice for wrong and supported right, I will never forget your lessons grandma, happy 75th birthday!
  • Happy 75th birthday to our dearest grandma, one thing I have learnt from you is to value our dreams and goals and work for them. Thank you for everything!
  • It's your diamond jubilee grandma, you are more precious than a diamond to us, happy 75th birthday, happiness, love and light to you!
  • More power to you grandma, may you soon achieve the mark of 100th, a century would be nice to celebrate with your laughter. Happy 75th birthday grandmom!
  • There are days when I just think of how we have grown together, you have adapted to changes in this fast-paced world and kept up with a revolution in the society, a lot to learn from you. Happy 75th birthday grandma!
  • From the day was born to the day you turned 75 which is today, I am glad I was able to share my life with you grandma, kudos to you for turning 75 like a pro! Happy birthday!
  • You are the coolest grandmother I have ever seen in my life. Happy 75th birthday dearest grandma, here's to more diamonds to you!
  • How do you feel? Seeing the world going upside down and then being normal, hope you had an amazing rollercoaster ride. Happy 75th birthday grandma!
  • Happy 75th birthday to grandma who doesn't look like 57 yet, hope you stay young forever, sending love and hugs!
  • Hope you have a blast on your 75th birthday grandma, you have an amazing talent for making people laugh, may that smile on your face never fades.

Funny Birthday Wishes For Granddaughter

funny birthday wishes for grandmother
  • Oh, are we looking at a woman who just turned a year older because she looks 10 years younger? Happy birthday, grandma, here's to never growing old!
  • I promise I won't share your secret tips of looking young with anyone, just let me know, please. Happy birthday, grandma, thank you for giving me such beautiful genes.
  • Happy birthday to our dearest grandma, to the best joke cracker in the house, you made our lives sound so funny!
  • It's always a pleasure to sit with you and discuss your sleeping patterns, happy birthday grandma, cheers to your continued snoring!
  • Happy birthday grandma, your morning coffee is the best, thank you for always pampering us with extra care and sugar! Love you!
  • A day without you joke is a day we never lived. Happy birthday to our funniest and coolest grandmother, I love you!
  • Spreading love and laughter is the best therapy and you are the best therapist! Happy birthday, grandma, thanks for healing our souls!
  • You, my dear best friend grandmother, wait up there until I reach the number of age you are right now. Happy birthday, grandma, please don't grow old, love you!
  • Happy birthday, grandma, here's to your newly chatting life and us teaching you how to use a smartphone and to never-ending criticism of the digital world.
  • Here's to going back to childhood grandma, may you enjoy every bit of life coming ahead just like a child does, happy birthday grandma!

Long Birthday Message For Grandmother

  • Happy birthday grandma, you have always stood like a rock whenever our family faced any problem and because of your strength today we all are leading fearless and powerful life.
  • Congratulations on turning 100th and thank you for empowering us 100 times.
  • There were days when you were sick and we were affair but seeing you today with that smile it seems like it was just a phase that passed. Today is the best day, happy birthday grandma, you have turned 100th and I can't keep calm.
  • The strange thing is I still can't find one good person in my life who will understand better as much as you do. Happy birthday grandma and wishing good health to you. Cheers on celebrating 100th.
  • May God showers his blessings all upon you, I am so fortunate to find you in my life grandma, wishing you a very happy 100th birthday. Stay strong and stay beautiful!
  • Happy 100th grandma, thank you for showering unconditional love and pampering us with so much care, no one can ever replace you, grandma. Love you, blessed to have you!
  • You have truly defined the definition of grace, beauty with brains and power in just one you. Happy 100th birthday grandmother, I don't know what would I have done without you.
  • I love you, infinity grandmom, thank you for grooming me with so elegance, whatever I am today, I owe it to you, happy 100th birthday, stay blessed!
  • God has made all of us lucky by just sending you into our family, you have showered your love abundantly on us and we have never felt insecure because of you, happy 100th grandma, loads of love!
  • You have always led a good and healthy life and you have taught us the same. Happy 100th birthday, to our dearest grandma, may you always stay healthy and wealthy!
  • Just the feeling of you turning 100th is making me go crazy, I can't believe you have hit century grandma, I am so happy to have you in my life. Happy birthday, love and hugs!


Related: Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy

It's always a task to choose the best set of words for the woman who has always taught you to choose the right words. Instead of taking some grandmother quotes, you can add a beautiful chat of yours in the above messages, we are sure you can get the best choice of words. Take a look at these fine compilations of messages which shows an unconditional love between a grandmother and her grandchildren and the eternal bong the duo share.
