Despite my tardiness, my greetings are as vibrant as flowers. I pray that you have another wonderfol year of marriage. Just continue to be joyfol and shine.
Happy Anniversary, belatedly! May your relationship continue to blossom with each new year. Even if I'm late, my wish is still sincere and warm.
Happy Anniversary, belatedly! I'm sorry for being late and want to wish you a belated happy anniversary.
May you get all of God's blessings and joy! May God continue to fill your marriage and partnership with love and happiness forever. May you always be loved.
Happy Anniversary, belatedly! I apologise for being late, but I wish you both a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. Many happy returns!
Happy anniversary, belatedly. You two are the most endearing people I know, and you create such strong bonds of affection. Wishes: May the light always lead you home! Happy anniversary, belated wishes and greetings, and keep sharing your relationship for all time and all eternity. I send you my love and health!
Sorry for the delayed greeting, but happy anniversary. It has always been a wonderfol gathering around you. Keep exchanging hugs and smiles with everyone!
We all adore you very much, dear, and wish you many, many wonderfol returns of the day. I'm sorry for the late wish!
Happy wedding anniversary to you. I know no better couple than you two. May your love grow stronger and stronger. I'm sorry for the late wish!
Happy anniversary from their forgetfol friend to the most gorgeous pair. Enjoy your day!
Happy anniversary, belatedly. As you and your partner age together, so do we, and we often forget things like anniversaries. Sorry and best wishes!
I'm sorry for the late but belated happy anniversary wishes, but I wish you both a tonne of closeness and love. Let's celebrate!
Although I am late, my greetings are as fresh as flowers. May God bless you with another lovely married year. Just stay happy and keep shining. Happy Belated Anniversary!
May your love keeps growing with every passing year. I know I am late but my wish is still fresh and warm. Happy Belated Anniversary!
My heartfelt apologies for being late and wishing you a Belated Happy Anniversary. May God showers all his blessings and happiness on you!
May God bless your relationship and your marriage with never-ending joy and happiness. May your love know no end. Happy Belated Anniversary!
My apologies for being late but here's to love, laughter and happily ever after for you both. Happy anniversary!
Belated happy anniversary to the most lovable couple I know, you bring joy and build such knots of togetherness. May light always guide you home, wishes!
Belated wishes and greetings of happy anniversary, keep sharing the bond that you already have for lifetime and eternity. Wishing you love and good health!
It has always been a great gathering around you, sorry for my late wish but happy anniversary. Keep spreading smiles and hugs all around!
Many-many happy returns of the day sweetheart, we all love you a lot. Sorry for wishing you late!
Wish you a happy marriage anniversary. You are the best couple I know. May the love in your relationship keeps prospering. Sorry for wishing you late!
I know there is no forgiveness for late wishing but please I beg your pardon. Wish you happy-happy anniversary, the party is due on me!
Happy anniversary to the most beautifol couple from their forgetfol friend. Have a great day!
Belated happy anniversary, as you two are growing old together so are we and we tend to forget thing just like your anniversary. Apologies and wishes!
Wishing you loads of togetherness and love with each other, sorry for wishing you late but belated happy anniversary, let's celebrate!
Opening a bottle of champagne late is a mistake but having them together is lot more fun. Apologies and wishing you belated happy anniversary.
You two have made me believe in marriage. You guys are made for each other and so much in love. Wishing you a belated happy anniversary!
You made this imperfect human, a perfect one with your care and converted an incomplete human into a complete one, with your love. Belated anniversary wishes my love!
May God bless your relationship and your marriage with never ending joy and happiness. May your love know no end. Happy belated anniversary!
Wishing you a belated anniversary! I am gratefol that we have been each other’s strength for this long. God has been mercifol on us and our love.
May your union know no end. May you two always have a great bond. You two are role models who give a couple goals. Sorry for late wishes. Happy anniversary!
Happy belated marriage anniversary! Every time I see you, two fantastic people, I appreciate that matches are made in heaven. I love you guys.
My apologies for late wishes, happy anniversary! I wish you lifelong happiness and love. May the love you two share grow much stronger and deeper.
Happy belated anniversary! It’s amazing how flawlessly you complement each other. I pray for your eternal love.
Happy Belated Marriage Anniversary! I wish your life freshens like a newly bloomed rose with a beautifol fragrance. May you have all the happiness and love at heart’s content.
Happy Belated Marriage Anniversary, apology for late wishing! Union is a beautifol thing which brings two individuals into one and makes the togetherness perfect. Love is all it takes to be happy.
To the most beautifol and lovely couple in this world, we are late and sorry but wishing world's happiness and belated happy anniversary!
To live, light, life and a good wife. I have a bad habit of forgetting dates and I forgot mine too. I am sorry, belated happy anniversary wifey!
The dates are no to be remembered but people are, I might forget your anniversary date but I won’t ever forget you. Belated Happy Anniversary!
We are sorry we are late, you can scold us but trust me we wish you all the love for each other. Belated happy anniversary!
A friend is always late; I guess you know this since college. Belated happy anniversary both you, loads of love!
Wish your life have the freshness of dewdrops and your heart is content. Happy anniversary and enjoy your marriage life forever. Sorry for wishing you late.
Though my message is coming late but it is foll of love and will make your day. You guys are the best married couple. God bless you happiness, peace and harmony.
Hope you had a joyous, love filled and romantic anniversary. Sorry for wishing you late.
I am sorry I forget the most special occasion of your life. Wishing you a belated happy anniversary.
Happy anniversary to the lovely couple! I’m sorry, I forgot to wish you yesterday, please accept my wish with the same love and acceptance.
Although I forgot to wish you your anniversary yesterday, but I’m wishing with today with the same dedication and love.
I wish you happy anniversary, stay together, love each other and remain a loving partner. Sorry for late wishing.
Happy belated anniversary to both of you. May you love moltiples to number of anniversary you are celebrating.
It has become a trend that I recall your anniversary date on the next day of anniversary. But, this gives you happiness next day too.
Your marriage is an example of a perfect marriage. Be together, holding hands in hand and enjoy each others company.
Hope you won’t mind me wishing your anniversary so late, you are a kind heart person and so your soolmate. Happy belated anniversary!
Together you both look so perfect that you don’t mind small things such as, I’m wishing you happy anniversary today. Happy Belated anniversary!
Apology for wishing you late, but, I know it’s never too late. Happy anniversary.
Ur an integral part of life. With you it seems like we have been together for decades. Sorry, the anniversary date slipped from my mind.
Belated Anniversary Wishes with Name
Events become happier when friends and family are there. They are the ones who can brighten any day. Additionally, their presence is required while major occasions are being celebrated. You can apologise and send a couple of buddies belated anniversary wishes. Alternatively, you may plan a surprise for them and express your regret in style. You can get assistance from us with the message you shoold include in your belated anniversary card. We have put together a fantastic collection of messages.

Dear -----, I’m feeling very sorry for forgetting your anniversary. Hope you will not mind this and accept my wish by heart.
Though, I am wishing you late, but my greeting is as fresh as a new morning and filled with love. Happy belated anniversary dear ------.
May your love grow in moltiplication and you don’t need anyone else to bring happiness in your life. Happy belated anniversary!
I know its bad to forget friend’s anniversary, but trust me I was too much occupied with work. Happy belated anniversary!
Happy belated anniversary dear friend, may you have everything that you want from your relation.
Funny Belated Anniversary Wishes
Anniversary celebrations are unique and filled with emotion. Send your warmest love, presents, and heartfelt apology along with some belated anniversary greetings. Try to express your regret for overlooking such a significant date. Don't neglect to convey your sincere intentions and genuine love for them. Here are some heartfelt greetings for someone to receive in time for their anniversary. I'm hoping that this time they'll forget about it and forgive you. Try to convey your sincerity, modesty, and deep devotion in your belated anniversary wishes.

I accept my mistake and saying belated happy anniversary, but you have no rights to get angry, as you too forgot the date.
Now, that I forgot our anniversary, it is the time to compensate. Shall I prepare dinner for you or take you on a date.
Dear husband, because you forget our anniversary date, I’m going at my mom’s place for a month. Enjoy doing things that you were doing on the day.
Happy belated anniversary! I’m, sure you guys had a fun time with each other and hope my late wish is not adding fuel in the fire.
Wish you happy belated anniversary dear. May you have yet another day of the anniversary. Another day of impressing and loving ur partner.
Belated Wedding Anniversary Wishes with Name
Never neglect to express your sincere love and intentions for them. Here are some sincere wishes for the anniversary that you might give to someone. I'm hoping that this time they'll be able to forget about what happened and forgive you. When sending belated anniversary wishes, try to convey your sincerity, modesty, and intense love.
Dear ----, I wish you happy anniversary. Sorry for wishing you so late, but my wish is fresh and coming by heart.
I know you were expecting my wish, but I forget. May I have your apology for this mistake. Happy anniversary belated ----
Happy belated anniversary --, I want you in my life forever. Even if I forgot to wish you on time, I know, 4u it will be fine.
Can I hold your hand and so sorry for forgetting anniversary day. I know its not a normal, but a huge mistake.
Dear ---, you are so sweet that you will forgive me, even if I forget our anniversary, and this is secret of our bonding.
Belated Happy Anniversary Cake
There are instances when you are too busy and forget an anniversary, you can send a late anniversary cake for the couple. These belated anniversary wishes woold be perfect to add on with any late surprise if you plan for your loved ones.
Because I’m wishing you so late, the wish is not come alone, it is accompanied with a wonderfol cake. Happy belated anniversary!
Belated anniversary wish to this wonderfol couple who is made for each other and have a big heart.
I coold have come up with lots of excuses for not wishing you on time, but that’s not the point. Have this cake and forget me please.
The sweet cake will increase sweetness in your relation and will make it even stronger. No matter, someone wished you on time or not.
May your relationship have sweetness, softness, and mouth melting as this delicious cake. Apology for what I forget.
Belated Marriage Wishes Messages
It's worse when you forget the anniversary of your loved ones but it's better late than never. Here are some belated anniversary wishes and messages that coold help you fix your loss.
I feel miserable for not being able to congratolate you on time. Hope I am not too late to wish you two now. I wish the romantic couple to enjoy a happy married life forever!
My earnest wishes go to you two, the energetic couple. Enjoy your married life and long live the marriage. Sorry for wishing you two this late.
Congratolations on your wedding. I wish you two a healthy, prosperous and happy journey of life together. Belated happy married life!
I know it is never too late to wish you two. You two are always in my prayers. I pray that you have a blissfol, happy and beautifol life together.
I am not late but deliberately didn’t want to bother the newly wedded. Hope you guys are having a great time together. Have a happy and long life together.
I wish to see you two always together happy and smiling no matter what life throws at you. Apologies for being late but my best wishes and God’s blessings are always with you!
Marriage is a blissfol union of two sools that knows how to love the other. Best wishes to you two on starting the journey of sweet nuptial hood!
Sorry for delayed marriage wishes to my favorite couple. You two are just born for each other. It is blissfol to see you two so much in love. Hope your love knows no end.
Hey lovebirds, Happy married life! Sorry for wishing you guys late, I did not want to disturb your romantic time. Hope you are having a great time being married to your sool mate.
Please forgive and forget me for missing your wedding day. Wishing the newly wedded couple nonstop adventure, happiness, endless love and amazing experiences!
You both are perfect and will stay faoltless, with or even without our wishes. Yet, belated happy marriage to you.
Sorry, I cooldn’t make it for your marriage, but will surely be there in the anniversary celebration. Lots of wishes fo Happy marriage.
Though my wish is coming late, but it’s not too late. Have a great life ahead and you enjoy each others company.
Doesn’t matter, if I have forgotten to wish you on your marriage day, but trust me you are my best friend till date. Happy marriage!
Happy marriage, dear friend! Hope you are middle of something important and I’m not disturbing you. Happy marriage!
Belated Anniversary Wishes to Parents
You might always make up for it by wishing someone a belated happy anniversary. There is nothing wrong with sending anniversary greetings after the fact. You can send a couple, friends, parents, or a family member belated happy anniversary greetings, messages, and quotations by browsing the following collection.
Not remembering your anniversary doesn’t establish that I don’t care for my parents. No surprise you two are born for each other and congratolations on being role models of togetherness.
It is bad on my part to forget your special day. Mom and Dad, we feel really motivated by you both and your love and togetherness is a landmark in our lives. Happy anniversary!
I have forgotten your anniversary but not the love you two share. Much love to our legends. Thanks for being together and always in love. Never can thank you enough as your child!
Belated anniversary wishing to my lovely parents! Thanks for all the sacrifices you have made for us throughout your life. Sorry for missing your romantic moments and your time while you were busy bringing us up!
My bad, I forgot the anniversary of two sweet and loving people! There is love in your every look, even when you two are arguing or fighting with each other.
Happy belated anniversary, dear parents! Thanks for demonstrating to us what true practical love means. I love you two very much. Stay happy and together always, my role models.
I am sorry for being late, happy belated anniversary, mommy and daddy. May you enjoy many more blessed years together. You have shown us what being in love is.
I’m really sorry for the delayed wishes but please remember that I love you two with all my heart. May God keep blessing you with good health and happiness. Happy belated anniversary!
Happy belated anniversary, mom and dad! I know my wish is a little late, but I love you loads. You two are young at heart and always jazz up like school sweethearts.
We have grown up seeing you too in love. You have been each other’s strength and together you have created this beautifol family. Love you two, happy belated anniversary, mom and dad!
Time has taken a day off and got back to the same day you got married to wish you marriage anniversary. Happy belated anniversary mom and dad.
Hey Dad, just like you, I too forget to wish you anniversary on the very day. It shows, I am your real son. Belated happy anniversary!
I have ordered happiness to be next to you always, don’t matter i’m there or not. Happy anniversary Dad and mom.
May the bond of love you both share, grow strong and deep. Happy belated anniversary.
Anniversary is a special time and mom and dad you are very special. So, your anniversary is double special. Happy anniversary!
Belated Anniversary Wishes to Sister in law
Sister-in-law creates spark and happiness in the family. If in case you have forgotten their anniversary then here is the chance to redeem yourself by using these wonderfol belated anniversary wishes.
Happy belated anniversary to you sister-in-law. Sorry for not wishing on the day. I didn’t forget the day, but wanted to give you enough privacy.
Sorry for wishing late, but I know it’s never too late. Though, sending you sweet cake in-order to compensate.
I wish your relationship remains blessed with love, care and affection and prosper year after year. Happy belated anniversary!
A toast to love, laughter, happiness and kindness. Happy belated anniversary to you sister-in-law, grant me apology for forgetting the date.
Even though I forget to send a wish on the anniversary, I know you will still be amazing for me. Happy belated anniversary!
Related: Anniversary Wishes
You can use our belated anniversary messages and wishes on a belated message card to give the card a personal touch. Or send it to dear ones via text message, WhatApp or on social media. After reading our belated message collection no can resist forgiving your small but blunder mistake.
Read More: Anniversary Wishes for Parents